decorative seperator
Choux Paste:


1 C Milk
1 C H20
8 oz Butter Unsalted
Pinch of Salt
12 oz Bread Flour
10 Eggs


1. Bring milk, H20, butter and salt to boil
2. Mix in flour and whisk while cooking for a few minutes until it pulls from the sides
3. Place mixture in mixer until cool
4. Slowly add eggs until it passes the finger test (may hold some of the eggs back)
5. Pipe (807 tip) and bake (48 puffs per sheet)
6. Bake at 415 for 8min then drop to 375 for 5 minutes.
Pastry Cream:


Whole Milk
8 oz
Sugar Granulated
9 oz
Whole Eggs
4.5 oz
Egg Yolks
3.25 oz
2.6 oz
Butter Cold
2.15 oz
Hero Pistachio Compound


1. Boil Milk and half the sugar.
2. Combine egg yolks, whole eggs and remaining sugar in separate bowl, mix until smooth. Add cornstarch to the mixture and again mix until smooth
3. Temper hot liquid to eggs, yolks, sugar and cornstarch mixture and bring just to a boil while constantly whisking.
4. Turn off the heat. Strain, add butter and pistachio paste with emersion blender
5. Cover with plastic wrap film on the surface and cool